Model 1110d - 1:1 Isolation/Choke balun 1.5-54 MHz - 300 Watts

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  • Model 1110d - 1:1 Isolation/Choke balun 1.5-54 MHz - 300 Watts
  • Model 1110d - 1:1 Isolation/Choke balun 1.5-54 MHz - 300 Watts
  • Model 1110d - 1:1 Isolation/Choke balun 1.5-54 MHz - 300 Watts
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This low power balun is one of our newest offerings and provides over 30db of suppression across the full HF spectrum of frequencies. Our design provides high levels of feedline isolation, RF choking and excellent return loss for those who want high performance in a compact, portable and light weight size. The balun has also been "ruggedized" by using a solid wire 50 ohm bifilar winding which makes it extremely  shock resistant and able to tolerate rough handling without conductor breakage.  This makes the balun especially good for POTA and SOTA expeditions.

1110d-sup-thumb.jpgClick to Enlarge
Testing done with 2 port Vector Network Analyzer model VNA 2180

This model is the popular Isolation/choke balun that is perfect for elimination of common mode currents, noise reduction and RFI management. The model 1110ds is great for quickly deploying a center fed monoband dipole, a monoband vertical or at the transition of a ladder line fed antenna to coax.

Dipole mount and alternate RF connectors are available in "Accessories & Connectors" section of our website


The enclosure for our low power units is small, lightweight and portable but is not weatherproof  and not intended for long term or permanent outdoor use. If used in a permanent outdoor installation, additional attention must be given to weatherproofing and strain relief. Damage caused by such use is not covered under our warranty.


This is a current balun and has the widest operating frequency range, lowest core stress and provides the best overall balance of any balun for given cost, size, and weight. This balun is the best type to balance currents on each side of a 1/2 wave dipole or the driven element of a yagi while providing the perfect transition from a balanced antenna to unbalanced coax feedline.

Installing this balun will not affect antenna matching unless the feedline is acting as part of the antenna. This is, of course, not a desirable situation and installing this balun will correct the problem if one exists with the antenna. In beam installations, using a 1:1 balun in series with the antenna’s feed system can substantially improve the antenna’s front-to-back and front-to-side ratios. It does this by providing the antenna's driven elements with balanced current at the feedpoint and by preventing the feedline from acting as part of the antenna.

It is a seldom appreciated fact that feedlines, which are not adequately decoupled, can act as efficient vertical antennas degrading an otherwise excellent radiation pattern. The addition of a 1:1 balun can significantly reduce feedline radiation and dramatically decrease RFI and TVI. Beam antennas especially benefit from improved balanced drive and superior feedline isolation, but even simple dipoles benefit from properly selected and installed 1:1 current baluns. Receiver noise may also be reduced by eliminating signal pickup by the coax shield.



  Core Material   Mid range permeability ferrite by Fair Rite Products for maximum bandwidth.
  Winding Type   Two cores in a stacked configuration wound as a 1:1 current balun.
  Winding Material   Thermaleze insulated wire bifilar pair of 50 ohms. 
  Power Rating   1.5 to 35 MHz - 300 watts, 35 to 54 MHz - 200 watts.  
  All ratings based on resonant load. High SWR will reduce power handling ability.
  Useable Frequency   1.5 to 54 MHz
  Insertion Loss   Less than .05db
  Connectors   SO-239 connectors are silver plated with Teflon insulation.
  Alternate connectors and Mounting Options are available in the Accessories section.
  Hardware   All Stainless Steel
  Enclosure Type   Polycarbonate (ABS) box with bottom plate that fits flush with the case
  Plate is an exceptional fit that can be easily weatherproofed if desired.
  Dimensions   Very compact and light weight 3x2x1.5 inch - Link to dimensional drawing
  Additional Info   High efficiency (98-99%). 

Installation Notes


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Warranty Information

Noise Reduction

It is a seldom appreciated fact that feedlines which are not adequately decoupled can act as efficient vertical antennas that degrade an otherwise excellent radiation pattern. The addition of a quality feedline isolation ("choke") balun can significantly reduce feedline radiation and dramatically decrease RFI and TVI. It does this by providing the antenna with balanced current at the feedpoint and by effectively preventing the coax shield from acting as part of the antenna.

While the most common advice is to improve the station's RF ground, the root of the problem is in the poor isolation of the feedline from antenna currents. If your goal is to reduce feedline radiation and improve reception by reducing noise, feedline isolation baluns are an excellent choice. Adding an additonal isolation balun at the point where the feedline exits the near field area of the antenna will substantially reduce unwanted feedline radiation and reception of EMI without the need for improved station grounding. 

If your antenna SWR is already low and you wish to reduce feedline radiation and improve reception, a feedline isolation balun is recommended. Adding one at the base of a vertical antenna will substantially reduce unwanted feedline radiation (RFI) by preventing your antenna from using the your coax feedline as a radial. This can also reduce the need for improved station grounding.

Benefits to Vertical Antennas

When quarter-wave antennas are constructed over a near perfect radial system, they have a feedpoint impedance of about 36 ohms. When they are constructed over a less than optimal radial-system there is a loss introduced into the feed system that adds to the 36-ohm figure. This improves the SWR but there is a loss in the efficiency of the antenna, signals transmitted and received have a higher take-off angle and often there is current introduced onto the feedline. 

With my SteppIR vertical I use two of these baluns. One at the base of the antenna and another midway along the feedline after the near field of the antenna. You can also install the balun where it enters your shack if you would rather not break the feedline run. The balun balances the RF currents at the antenna, is terrific for keeping RF out of your operating environment and greatly reduces the noise inherent in a vertical by decoupling the feedline. 

With a ground-mounted quarter-wave vertical, regardless of the radial situation, but especially with poor radial systems, there is the need for a feedline isolation balun to keep common mode currents off the feedline. 

Benefits to Yagis

Yagi antennas especially, benefit from improved balanced drive and superior feedline isolation, but even simple dipoles benefit from properly selected and installed Feedline Isolation baluns. In addition, receiver noise may also be reduced by eliminating stray EMI picked up by the coax shield.

Another very useful application for a feedline isolator is installing them in series with a yagi antenna’s normal feed system. The proper location is between the antenna’s matching device/system and the feedline. Doing this will not affect the antenna and prevents the feedline from acting as part of the antenna. In beam installations, using a feedline isolator in series with the antenna’s feed system can substantially improve the antenna’s front-to-back and front-to-side ratios.

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